Around the world, 8 in 10 small businesses rely on printers to perform daily operations. Although many believe that printers are an outdated tool, for small businesses, print is anything but dead. The problem remains, however, that many printers are not reliable enough for the job that they are needed to perform. When printers inevitably fail, many businesses have to hastily fill the gaps with a reactive and misinformed purchase. These quick purchases often result in another consumer-grade printer being overworked, continuing the vicious cycle. Instead of buying the printer that they really need, many small businesses resort to the quicker option, against many experts’ recommendations.

The majority of businesses state that they cannot operate without a printer. Industries like law and automotive both print and are responsible for over 200, almost 300 printed pages per day. Healthcare, accounting, and finance are other sectors that rely on physical copies to operate on a daily basis. These industries, and several others, thrive with the help of the hard copy. Printed paper has many benefits. Experts have found that printed pages encourage longer attention spans and a stronger working memory. In addition, studies have shown that readers learn more from paper than from screens. As we move towards a more digital age, encountering printed material has become few and far between. However, with better printing technology, the possibilities are endless.

Despite these benefits, the problem still remains that the majority of people own printers that break once per month or even more. Many printer owners feel misunderstood by printing companies, and 52% of small businesses wish that they could better understand their hardships and challenges; So much so that globally, 69% of small business owners find it difficult to source reliable office supplies, such as printers. In terms of security, more than half of all internet-connected printers are unsecured. In 2021, attacks on “Internet of Things” (IoT) devices more than doubled. Bottom line, an unsecured printer can leave your entire network vulnerable and in jeopardy. Finally, printers as they currently exist are not sustainable, and less than 50% of all toner cartridges are reused. To solve these problems, experts have curated information to help companies make an informed decision choosing the best small business printer for them.

Businesses are now facing the question: Ink or laser? Traditional black and colored ink is very expensive, and can cost more per gallon than insulin. It also produces a large amount of waste. For example, most printers use anywhere between 20% and 50% of each ink cartridge for cleaning and maintenance. In addition, many printers will not print in black ink if the color cartridges are low. In comparison, a laser printer’s ink goes for $0.075 per gallon, and the toner for $0.05. Laser printers operate 2-3 times faster and do not smudge, dry, or expire.

Nearly 50% of small business owners say that they need their printers to be all-in-one technology partners that perform several tasks, not just printing. It is for these reasons that experts recommend the laser printer for a business. It is more cost effective, reliable, and sustainable, which are all imperative qualities for the next generation of the hard copy.

Stop Making Your Business Printer an Afterthought